Ride the Detlor with Bruce Drake!
Great news for those EARLY morning road riders ( less bugs and traffic ). Bruce leaves Bancroft Tent and Trailer ( Hwy 62 S) every...

Bike Friends
There are so many physical benefits of riding a bike but let's not forget the mental health benefits. What an experience to share with...

Tuesday Night Roadies
Had eight, yes eight riders out for the Tuesday night road ride. Ed White joined the crew and crushed some big hills on his cyclocross....

The Bike Crew
You just never know what you will find on a bike trail...Bike legend Clive Emery has been known to have seen a "White Goat" during the...

Holiday Monday Ride
Great turnout for a holiday ride. Bugs are on but not an issue when you're biking fast! A definite incentive to keep moving and...

Trail snacks! Join the Saturday and Tuesday "Road Crew" and you too, can enjoy fresh leeks hot off the trail! Recent rides include the...
YES - We Ride Monday May 23
Good weather is upon us and so are the black flies!! Bring your bug spray for Ride Night Monday May 23 - 6pm at Millennium.

What a great day for a ride ( although isn't everyday a great day for a ride?). Meet at Millennium at 6 pm with your helmet, water,...
Saturday Road Rides
Meet at Millennium Park at 07:00h on Saturday morning for those wanting to road ride! Check out the Facebook page: Bikers - for...

Oh What A Night!!
What a wonderful first night response to Bike Club - the largest ever. Thank you to the parents who are coming out and helping - much...